Ah… first time in my blog I have started to write about general things. Well where to start with?? Alright let me tell whom this treatise is not for,
- Men who know the importance of women.
- Women who know their importance.
The list is indeed shorter. Do you know why?? There are still people around this world around you and me saying “you are a woman” “you cant do these things” “you can do only these things” “obey my order” “you don’t know what is right and what is wrong”.
The answer to all these cries of society is :
Im a woman and im a part of the same society you belong to and I have extra responsibilities than you do. Im there in ones life till birth to death. I can create, and destroy. I show love and affection more than any other human shows to you in the way of Mother, sister, wife, grand mother and so on. All I need is ones love affection care and guidelines which you give to anyother boy or men on earth.
First know that im your fellow human being. I have the same heart and feelings that you have.
Last thing but not a least thing
If you know any boy or men tell them “don’t spoil anyone’s life, than advising him that you are boy and can do anything!!”
And for a girl “be brave and bold you can rule the world!!”